Monday, May 21, 2007

Random Top 5: Things That Need To Go Away

Here are five things that I absolutely cannot stand anymore. This shit needs to stop. So, please people, quick whipping my ass with this stuff.

5. The Hard Rock Cafe - Does anyone go here anymore? I think the one in Dallas closed down. It's overpriced food, a bunch of guitars to look at, and you get to pretend that you're cool and know something about rock n' roll for ninety minutes.

4. T-shirts Describing Your Ironic Disposition - I cannot take these retarded hipsters that buy shirts at Target and Fossil that read things like "I'm Really Excited To Be Here". They need to open up an exchange so that these people can get t-shirts that are more accurate that read, "I'm Horribly Lame".

3. People Placing Bunny Ears Over Someone Else's Head -This is so childish and lame. Please stop it. Now. Everyone is laughing at you, not with you.

2. Hooters - Hasn't this restaurant run it's course by now? It's a tired bit and it isn't funny (or clever) anymore. Their food was never good and their calendar is lame and their atmosphere is boring.

1. People Hollering for "Freebird" at Concerts - These are perhaps the most obnoxious people on the planet. I have never once in all the shows that I have been ever heard a band acknowledge that horrible song and actually start playing it. In fact, I've heard Colin Meloy of The Decemberists actually make a call for that to stop. So, he's on my side too.

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