Saturday, June 30, 2007

List: Songs I Never Ever Want To Hear Again

I'm trying to include more of these random lists I keep coming up with. So today, I am giving you an impromptu list that I came up with last night. These are songs that beat me down. Some of them I used to like, but I just have heard them too many times and I cannot take it anymore.

1. Sweet Caroline by Neil Diamond. I love many of Neil Diamond's other songs, particularly Love on the Rocks, but this one has beaten me to a bloody pulp. It's probably the most overplayed song ever and everybody sings it in bars.

2. Sweet Home Alabama by Lynyrd Skynyrd. It's the ultimate Freedom Rock song and it's annoying. It needs to be put to rest. Lynyrd Skynyrd has beaten us down for too long now. Please go away.

3. You Never Call Me By My Name by David Allen Coe. Northerns may not know this song, at least judging by the lack of enthusiam last fall when it was played by Band of Horses at a show at the Bowery in NYC. But everyone in the south sings this song to irritation every time it is played in a bar.

4. Anything by the band The Cult. I particularly can't stand anything off of the Sonic Temple album. But every bar I go into, some jerk has to play a song by this horrible band to drag down the energy in the bar. Why, I ask you? Why?

5. Stranglehold by Ted Nugent. Really, I could point to any song by Ted Nugent. Not only is the man a moron, but his music gives me multiple headaches at once. I won't put down his guitar skills though.

6. Sexyback by Justin Timberlake. Will people please stop overrating this song? I'll admit that the new JT* is talented, but this song is vomitous. He has songs that are infinately better than this but for some reason this one is horribly overplayed.

* "JT" will always be James Taylor to me.

1 comment:

Windowsill Wendy said...

I'm so with you on Ted Nugent. And JT will always be James Taylor to me, too. But "Sweet Caroline" always makes me remember the movie "Beautiful Girls," and that usually makes me smile. :)