Thursday, June 28, 2007

Reach for the Sun

Saturday was my first experience in seeing the glorious Dallas band The Polyphonic Spree. I could only describe their music as joyously uplifting. I have enjoyed the band's music for years, but somehow I have managed to missed them all this time. I recently picked up their latest release called The Fragile Army, which I have come to love.

For the first set, the entire band of twenty-something members came out dressed in their black, army-like suits with hearts and crosses on them. They played mostly songs from the new album. I especially loved them opening with Running Away and shooting the confetti and streamers. It was a great way to start the show. However, I think the encore was the best part of the show as the band came out in their traditional robes to play songs from older albums, including my favorite Light & Day. I was also quite impressed with their cover of Lithium, perhaps my favorite song by the nineties band Nirvana.

It is hard to describe my feelings during this show. I was there with a good friend who loves the band and the music more than I do and it was great to be with her as we have not spent much time together. It was nice to find something we could share. I found myself wearing a huge smile and dancing. Their music illicits a certain emotion in me that makes me happy to be alive. I've often played it on days when I am very happy in joy and days when I am very sad to bring me joy. It was great to see them live and find out that they are every bit as great as I imagined. I cannot recommend seeing this band enough to all the readers out there.

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